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Se hai ancora bisogno della TAATOOL IBM compatibile con la versione - V6R1 - R610 o della QUSRTOOL con tutti i sorgenti, o della libreria JADA : clicca qui e chiedimela !!!!
o vai su questo sito dove puoi scaricare i SAVF della TAATOOL V6 , Della QUSRTOOL , della Libreria JADA V6,


adtsrel Shows or prints the physical and logical relations of DB-Files
AGENDA/400 Your own agenda on the AS400 - reminds you your meeting and phone numbers
agesplf Check spoolfiles age and if older than x days move it to another outq
agrmvlnk Removes undeletable files from the IFS
anlsrcf Analyse Source Files
ARCHIVE Automatic Source Archive - undelete source, undo last changes ...
AS400EXPERT A nice database utility
ASP Uses API QYASPOL  to gather the current status of  your AS/400 disks


BACKUP Backup RPG code to your pc
BATCHUSERS Displays a list of batch subsystem users with an IP address
BINSEARCH Binary array search - minimize the number of array searches - a sample
bldftpsc A code sample that consists of a CL and RPG program that lists the file names in a library and creates an FTP script on the fly
bldlibinfo Build library information - using API QLIRLIBD to build your own outfile with library information
bldsrc Emphasizing Source Code by inserting hexadecimal codes
BRKMSGPGM Causes all break messages received by a work station to display in a message subfile


Check_iSeries A Nagios PlugIn for monitoring IBM AS400, iSeries, i5
CHGHIST Save and display a log of replaced objects from QRPLOBJ
chglibown This command will allow you to change all objects in a library to a new owner and allow you to set how *PUBLIC authority is handled
chgobjda Can change object attributes that can not be changed with the CHGOBJD command
CHGOBJOWN Change the owner of the objects into a library
CHGUSRSPC Allows the user to update the contents of a specific user space
chkaut Check authority of user to an object even if the user has adopted authority
CHKEVALS Check EVAL-Statements for potential MCH1210 Error
CHKHOST Checks the connection between remote systems with the TCP/IP
chklvlchk Check level check, using DSPPGMREF and DSPFD
CHKOBJSRC Checks source date with object date
Chkpgmin Determine if a program is in the program stack
CHKSBSACT Determine whether or not a particular subsystem is active
CHKTMPSTG Check temporary storage for active jobs
CLEDIT CL program editor - a text editor specially designed for AS400 CL
Clnoutq Start your spring cleaning early by removing old spooled files in your system
CLNRPG Removes side comments (left of the C specs)
CLOCK A green screen digital clock
CLRDTAQ Clears contents of the specified data queue
CMDLOG Saves and displays / prints selected commands entered on the command line and via AS400 menus - uses Exit Point QIBM_QCA_RTV_COMMAND
CMpmsgf The CMPMSGF command compares and merges two message files
CMS Custom Menu System - Add / Modify iSeries menus
CPUHOG Another view to WRKACTJOB
CPYALLSPLF Copy all spool files matching the filter criteria to a physical file
CPYFRMSPLF Copy from Spool-File - Duplicate spooled file from one OUTQ to another
CPYFRMUX Copy from Unix Utility
cpyoutq Copy an iSeries spoolfile from one OUTQ to another
CPYTOUX Copy to Unix Utility
crtcsvdta A flexible Tool to generate .csv from database files
CRTCSVF Copy an AS400 database file to a PC .csv file for use in Spreadsheets programs like EXCEL
CRTDBGSCP Builds a script, based on physical files to copy data to your target file
crtmipgm The command uses the QPRCRTPG API to create MI programs
crtmsgds The Command can be used to create data structures for RPG, RPG-IV and C for given message descriptions.
CRTPGMFSET Create a Test-Environment with copies of files the pgm need
CRTPTYPMBR Create prototyp member - analyze an RPGLE or SQLRPGLE source member and produce a /copy source member of all the exported procedures
CRTRPGBEAN Analyze a database file and create an SQLRPGLE source member that encapsulates the database file
CRTUSRSPC Creates a user space
CUEILOG2 Saves and displays a log of QINTER online job terminations
CUEILOG Saves and displays a log of QINTER job initiations ( Online and batch jobs ) - uses exit point QIBM_QWT_JOBNOTIFY 
cvtilefmt Convert RPGIII code with CVTRPGSRC and then use CVTILEFMT to transform the source into the newer RPGIV style free-format
CVTRPG4 Convert RPG3 to RPG4 ILE
cvtsplstmf Convert Spool Files to TEXT, HTML or PDF
CVTSPLWEB Convert Spool Files to HTML
cvtword Copy an iSeries spoolfile to file with *PRTCTL, transfer it to your PC (FTP or CA/400) and load it as text in Microsoft Word. Run this macro and you'll have an exact copy of the spoolfile ready to file on CD-ROM or distribute through email


DAJ Display Active Jobs via the Web
datesvc Use the f_CurrDate function to retrieve today's date in the format you want. Use f_PrevDate to retrieve yesterday's date
datinf A little nice date tool
DBRPLUS The database information utility - see multiple characteristics of a physical file in a single command
delphi Delphi 6/C++ Builder 6: IBM Client Access/400 driver for dbExpress
DEVICES Displays a list of all active workstations and printers showing their current status and configuration
dir An AS/400 directory program that will list the contents of an IFS directory to the screen or an *OUTFILE
dirtool Working with Object Entries in IFS - Integrated File System
dltoldjrnr The Command deletes old journal receivers. Just enter the name of the journal and hit enter
DLTOLDSPLF Delete or move spool files by date
DOCPGMSTR Give an overview on nesting of programs calling other programs
DOCRPGSRC Get an overview over a RPG program
DPC Dynamic perpetual calendar written in RPG
DSPHYPLNK Display hyperlink - sends a request from AS400 to PC to open a link
dsplibsiz The DSPLIBSIZ command retrieves and diplays the size of a library object and including the size of all objects that are in the library
DSPMODUSG Display / Print module where used
DSPPGMFLDA Display internal program field attributes
DSPPRT Display report content - flexibility for the user to see or print the content of a report
DSPPTH Display access paths - a combination of DSPDBR and DSPFD
dspqryref A tool like DSPPGMREF for Queries - get a list of files referenced to queries
DSPREL Display (Database-) Relations - Displays a list of dependent logical files with field names and used keys
dspsrc The command retrieves the source file information from the object service attributes and shows the source code of the object
dspusrspc Display User Space Data - Utility
DTAQS Prints a list of all DTAQ ( Data Queues ) - uses API QUSLOBJ and QMHQRDQD
dupmsgd The command duplicates a given message description within the same or another message file


edtdta Edit data areas in an easy way
ENDJOBS Allows you to end multiple jobs with the same name at once
esplf Sends an spool file as an EMail attachement
excsql a command to run SQL statements relying on QM Queries rather than IBM's Interactive STRSQL
expjrne The EXPJRNE exports journal entries of type *RCD to an outfile. The outfile has the same layout as the journalized file plus the journaling information. EXPJRNE makes it really easy to analyze journal entries by SQL
EXPSPLF Export a spoolfile as field separated file
extdbse Attach this program to QIBM_QZDA_INIT exit point.  This program handles the ODBC security by rejecting request to users who are not authorized to the ODBC *AUTL


FAQ FAQ - Tracker
FIELDS a field locator - an compressed view for DSPFFD
FINDDUPLF Find duplicate logical key - identify logical files with the same key
fmtsrc The FMTSRC command adds color to your source code and numerates IF/ENDIF blocks for your convenience. FMTSRC makes reading a source a lot easier
fndhclib Use this helpful tool to clean up hard coded libraries on CL, RPG or COBOL programs
FNDMBR Allows the research of a source member inside your system
FNDSTRSYSO Investigate in which *QRYDFN a specific library/file/field is used
Freeftp Seagull free FTP Client
FROG A Windows based database utility - connect to AS400, browse through libraries, execute SQL ...
FTP123 Easy downloading savefiles from an AS400 to a PC
ftpapi Use the FTP transfer of objects from your local to remote AS/400s. You can run this FTP interactively or batch with Error handling
FTPLOG2 Saves and displays FTP command activity
FTPLOG Records all Sign-On attempts to your AS400 ftp server - uses exit point QIBM_QTMF_SVR_LOGIN
ftpobj Use the FTP transfer of objects from your local to remote AS/400s. You can run this FTP interactively or batch


GENRANNUM Generating random numbers in RPG
getipadr Show IP-adress from a 5250-Emulation
GETSPLF View and manage Spoolfiles on your PC
GETMSGD Generates a CLP Member with code to recreate all the messages in a MSGF ( Message File )
getweek A program to calculate the week of the year based on DIN 1355. The format of the return values is YYYYWW
gzip GZIP - Compress and Decompress DB-Files


HFS A View of QDLS and QOPT
httpapi RPG IV service program that uses socket calls to implement the HTTP 1.1 protocol
HELPDESK Helpdesksystem


indent Printing Source Code with structured programming operations indented for improved readability
INDRPG Indent RPG source
install aid/400 Make it easy to download iSeries - SAVF from the web
IPC iSeries PopUp Calendar and Alarm window
iscripter Manage your PC-Scripts in your iSeries


jester Java Stored Procedure Tester 
JOBQMON Monitors a JOBQ to see  if  the number of jobs waiting to run matches or goes over the maximum ( threshold ) to watch for
JOBQS Shows all  jobs waiting to run in all the job queues
JOBS Uses those good old APIs QUSLJOB and QUSRJOBI to give a ‘dspactjob’
JOBWATCH Sends a message when a Job has status MSGW, LCKW or CPU usage greater 90% 
jtopen IBM's Open Source Java Toolbox


KEY Shows the key fields of a logical file


LASTSAVE Prints a list of objects in one or more libraries showing date of last save
LASTUSED Displays a list of *pgm objects with their last used date
LEFTJ Left-justify fields in file commands like CPYFRMIMPF
LIBINFO Prints a list showing the size of your libraries - uses API -QLIRLIBD
LOCKS Display a list of the Database File Locks - looking at all Batch Jobs
LOGCMD A series of programs that can be used to adopt a profile with powerful authority
LOGMSG Sends a message/note to the system history log - uses API QMHSNDM
LOGONUSER Logon as user - simulated user signon
lstqryf Display a list of used files in a Query definition


MONITOR Watches your AS/400 and warns you of  possible problems - uses API QWCRSSTS
monjobmsgw Alert users by email when jobs are sitting on Message Wait (MSGW)
movoutq A Tool for fine control when moving spoolfiles from one *OUTQ to another
movsplf Move all Held or Saved spooled file into another output queue
MSGMON Monitor one or more messages for each online session


NETMON Monitor the status of your local and remote AS400
NETUSERS A green screen view of AS400 Netserver users  (also available with NAVIGATOR)
NOTE Sends a break message to one ore more users using the system directory
njalib Job accounting facility
numenu Dynamic menu driver


objAUD Object auditing facility
ODBCLOG Provides a log of users using ODBC connections
OPENFILES Prints a list of all open files - uses API QUSLJOB, QUSRJOBI and QDMLOPNF 
OPRMONE Monitors QSYSOPR ‘Reply Needed’ messages  and sends an E-mail message - uses  API QMHLSTM
oypckin/oypckout A simple tool to pack/unpack all separate source members from 1 source file into 1 member for easier transport and upload


PACKSRC Cuts 75% of the size of source and other physical file members
pdfc Converts AS400 spoolfiles ( SPLF ) to pdf
PEEK400 The ultimate File Editor
PGMTools Programmer tools - dynamic arrays; message identifier, subfile technics
POKER Wanna play poker on your AS400?
POPMSG Show a popup message - uses API QUILNGTX
prgoutq a simple purge old spoolfiles command
PRINTLOG Saves and displays a log of spool files when reaching the RDY - Status - uses API QUSRSPLA
PRINTMON Watches your AS/400 printers (up to 200). - refresh all 10 seconds - uses API QGYRPRTL
PROFHIST Keeps a log of user profile maintenance  activity ( New, Changes and Deletions)
PROFILES2 Displays a list of user profiles and get the amount of DB storage and objects
PROFILES Displays a list of all user and system profiles and highlights disabled profiles
progress This simple program generates something to look at while your routine makes its way through a file
PRTUSRLOG Prints the joblog for signed on users - uses API QMHLJOBL
PYTHON Python for AS400


QBATCHLOG Saves and displays a log of QBATCH job initiations and completions - uses exit point QIBM_QWT_JOBNOTIFY
QRYIFSLIB Print out a summary and detail Query listing of your AS/400 IFS


RCVTCPF Receive files from a remote system
RCVTCPOBJ Receive any objects from a remote system f.e. documents, folder, libraries etc.
REPCHAR Replace character in a file
RESOURCES Displays a list of the hardware devices and highlights problems
rgzdbrpfm A command to help with speeding up those troublesome, lengthy reorgs for those huge PFs with lots of associated LFs
RGZPFMBRS Reorganize physical file with multiple members
RIFPGM Modifies RPG and SQL that the reading is easier
RIGHTJ Right-justify fields in file commands like CPYFRMIMPF
rmtcall A "Run remote command" which allows to pass back called program parameters
rpgalive An overlay to the SEU Utility that provides graphical Code analysis
RPGMAIL Utilize the JavaMail API's from Sun to send emails
RSTLIBPC Restores a library from a saved document of a folder
RTVCURPGM Retrieve the current program name
rtvdbsrc Lost your source for physical & logical files, here's a tool you can't live without
rtvipadr Retrieving the IP-adress of a PPP-Connection
RTVJOBSTS Retrieving the job status - active or not
rtvnetsnam Retrieving NetServer -Name and -Description 
rtvnetsSHR List the NetServer directory- and printer shares
RTVPRVPGM Retrieve previous program name
rtvpwd Retrieving and setting encrypted user password
rtvqryf Retrieve a list of files used by Query/400
rtvsmtpadr Retrieving the User's Name and SMTP-adress
RTVSPLMADR Retrieve email address from a spoolfile - search for the email address in a spooled file
RTVUSRDSP Retrieve the name of the display used from a specific user
RTVUSRSPC Retrieve a user space
runclstm The command is the “brother” of the RUNSQLSTM command. It reads CL source members and executes the commands without compiling it. Also it is possible to execute embedded SQL statements.
RUNMNYCMD Running AS400-Commands on all the objects of a list



SAVLIB command exception report 

SAVLIBPC Saves a library in a file into a folder
savoutq Saving all your spool files to tape, a database, a save file or to a shared folder
SBSMON Subsystem Monitor - uses API QUSLJOB and QUSRJOBI
shoLIBSIZ Show library size
showip Show the IP address of connected TELNET sessions - with *outfile Support
shwdoclck Show document locks
SIGNON Ever wanted to add a message to the sign-on screen ?
sndemail Send EMail's directly from your iSeries, convert BASE64 and MIME
sndm Sends Internet Mail from iSeries command line. You don't need to configure the iSeries Mail Server
sndmail Enables the AS/400 user to send an email to multiple recipients (up to 10) from the AS/400. It also allows up to 30 attachments
SNDTCPF Send files to a remote system
SNDTCPOBJ Send any objects to a remote system f.e. folders, documents, libraries etc.
SPL Spool - Tracker
splf2email EMailing a spoolfile to an internet email-address
spl2stmf Convert spooled file (SCS/AFP) to PC stream file (text/PCL/TIFF etc.)
SPOOLINFO Uses api QUSLSPL  to record the statistics of every spool file on you system into a file
SPOOLMON Monitors an OUTQ to see  if  the number of unprinted spool files goes over the maximum ( threshold ) to watch for
SPOOLPDF Create pdf files from spool files ( non AFP )
SPOOLSPLITTER Allows splitting of a spooled file in other spooled files
SRCHIGH Source Highlighter
STRBTGNAV The big famous naval battle game
strpreprc The command allows to store the creation command of an object in the source member of the object
SUBSUMMARY Subroutine summary command - show the order in which subroutines and other programs called
SVRSTSPL A utility to save and restore spool files
SYSMONE Monitors 5 critical levels and sends an E-mail message - uses API QWCRSSTS
SYSREQ Limit the SYSTEM REQUEST key to certain users and assign a command / program to the ATTENTION key


Telnet400 Attache to the AS/400 via the telnet port with VT100 - maps command keys correctly for the AS/400
TELNET5250 Symtrax Telnet 5250 - full TCP/IP emulator for AS400 / iSeries
TelnetApplet A simple telnet terminal emulator
TIMCL How long a user was signed on
tnapi An API that allows batch jobs to work with interactive screens on the AS/400
tn5250 A 5250 Terminal emulator written for Linux
tn5250j A 5250 Terminal emulator written in JAVA
traceroute A Trace Route command for iSeries
tracert Another Trace Route command for iSeries
tunelib A small system that will track the system usage


UNPACKPF Database unpack utility - Create a mirror image of a file, numeric packed fields is translated into zoned
USERINFO Display Online User Statisitics
USERJOB Display online user's current program and screen format - uses API's QUSLJOB, QUSRJOBI, QWSRTVOI, QWVRCSTK
USERLOG Shows all signed-on users and display all the request messages entered from the command line - uses API QMHLJOBL
USERS Display a list of signed-on users
usrprfexp Userprofile exception reporting tool


VIEWSAVF Allows to view a savefile on your PC
VTOC Print a list of the files in a library


WEB5250 Symtrax Web 5250 - access your AS400 / iSeries Application via a web browser
WRITEIFS Write directly to IFS - Integrated File System
WRITERS2 Display a list of remote writers
WRITERS3 Displays a list of  all active  printers on your AS/400 showing their current status
WRITERS Displays a list of all the printers and showing their current status
WRKJRNF Work with journaled files
WRKodbcjob Work with the QZDASOINIT Jobs - shows servicing users
WRKRMTWTR Work with all output Queues defined to print TCP/IP
WRKusroutq A hybrid version between WRKSPLF and WRKOUTQ with some useful extras


xfndstrp A special version of FNDSTRPDM
XREF A suite of AS400 cross-reference commands


Z/SCOPE z/Scope Express 5250 - a lite stand alone version, suitable for the basic needs to access AS400
zcpysplf An other version of CPYSPLF
zipseries A utility to save/restore AS400 data as a compressed PC file


as400pro Tips and Techniques by
BVSTools Bradley V. Stone's Utilities
Code Snipplets Freeware and Snipplets by Dieter Bender
Code Snipplets Code Snipplets by Thomas Schinschke
Downloads by Holger Scherer
Easy/400 An integrated suite of utilities
eBooks eBooks / Utilities from Datamission-UK
Free Commands Tom Liotta's free commands
Freeware Seite Freeware for iSeries by Dirk Menzel
FurTools Toolbox by Baldur Fürchau
Jada Tools A lot of Utilities for free download
JAVA Free JAVA Components by
KE9NR Ken Sims page with useful links
News400 News400 Download Area
OpenSource400 OpenSource Project for the AS400 Community
Projex400 AS400 ToolKits from
qpratools A great tool site
R.I.P. Riks Info Page
Source Samples by
Utilities Craig Rutledge's AS400 - Tools
ToolSite Tool Site by C.Olthois
Tools400 Freeware by Thomas Raddatz Tips and Tools for MQSeries, JavaScript, HTML and Net.Data
recursos-as400 Freeware site from spain Your best source for System i5, iSeries, AS/400 Information on the Internet
Ajut/400 Spanish AS400 site with tips and tricks Site with many code staff
Renaissance An Ope

Other Sources